Kintsugi FAQ What are the differences between the types of lacquer

Is kintsugi food safe

What are the differences between the types of lacquer?

Question. Is Kintsugi food safe?

Answer. Yes, all the lacquers I sell are food safe.

Question. What are the differences between the types of lacquer?

Answer. This question is usually asked in relation to the 3 types of lacquer I sell.
Shinurushi is a synthetic lacquer.
Cashew lacquer is derived from cashew nut shells.
Real lacquer is made from lacquer tree sap.

Synthetic lacquer isn’t very reactive to skin.
Cashew lacquer is a little more reactive.
Real lacquer will sometimes cause reactions to skin.

There are big differences in the way each of them cure and how to use them. Both synthetic and cashew derived lacquer will cure in a room environment. Real lacquer needs to be cured in a warm, humid
place so it is usually dried in a cooler box with a heat source like a light bulb and a bowl of water for moisture.

Cashew has a much stronger smell when using it although it dries to a state without smell. It also will cure at room temperature and at regular humidity.
Real lacquer causes much more of a reaction to skin. It doesn’t have a strong smell when using as such like cashew lacquer. It also requires a temperature of 25 +C and a humidity level of more than 70%.

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